Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Using the metro

This is the first time since I've lived in Montreal that I've relied so heavily on the metro... I start on the green line, switch to the orange then to the blue before I take a bus to get to work. Normally the metro works fine, sometimes late, sometimes crowded but working. There have been a few problems... the lines are shut down for problems for a "undetermined amount of time". That is really frusterating, it's the first time I've even considered buying a car, but I keep talking myself out of it... High prices of gas, impossible parking downtown, the environment... Hopefully where I work next year will be closer to home in order to keep me car free.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Eating out in Montreal

I am no expert by far on eating out in Montreal, but I do know the restaurants within a 8 block radius, especially on Ste. Catherine. Since I've been in the area of downtown, there have been a lot of changes and I can usually tell if it's going to stay or not. First of all, the competition is stiff... There are so many choices, that if you want to make it you have to first:
1. Treat your customer well (speaking English or French would be nice)
2. Have something really unique (not another Asian restaurant)
3. Skip the homemade, cheesy signs with today's special

Besides that, I can handle poor decor, bad music and spelling mistakes in the menus

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Co-ed bathrooms at work?

So, I'm working at an all girl's school this year and the staff bathroom is co-ed. This is a little strange for me... especially coming out of the stall, and seeing a male teacher heading to the sink at the same time as you. There is just a micro-second when I think "What the heck is he doing here" but then I remain cool and say hello and we proceed to wash our hands and exit.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Montreal's first snow

Today is the second day after the big snowfall... the roads are very icy, I wiped out this morning on my way to work. But, the trees are covered with a transparent layer of ice and with the sun today, it was quite lovely. I got the wonderful news yesterday morning at 6:30 that school was cancelled! So I first ( you may think this is crazy) but made a list of things I wanted to do before going back to bed. I got a lot done!
1. I made muffins
2. I rolled money for Unicef
3. I took stuff to get drycleaned
4. I went to the bank
5. I got 3 Christmas gifts (and something for myself:)
6. I worked out at the gym
7. I made some yummy pasta sauce
So I say, let there be more snow!