Wednesday, February 18, 2009

From winter blues to super spring break!

With Valentine's day over I search for the next holiday and I find spring break! It starts on Friday Febraury 27th until March 8 and I'll be in Calgary for the first ever sister/cousin reunion. This year we are all meeting in Calgary where Amber lives. Jess is bussing in from Vernon BC, Joye from Gabriola Is BC, Alanna from Inuvic NWT and myself from Montreal QC. We're hoping to make this an annual event. Right now Montreal has this feeling of spring, warmish weather and the streets are dry but we all know that another snow storm is just around the corner...So until then I'll be dreaming of my western get away.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Winter activities

Alright, my first fun winter outdoor activity!!! I went 'rafting' at the "Super glissades de St Jean de Matha:

This was a truly awesome experience, a perfect winter day around -11 degrees, some sun and great company. Our school went as an outing, the day began with us piling on the bus for an hour drive. Luckily another teacher with my brought his guitar and we sang most of the way there.

Once there, we warmed up and the other teachers had second breakfast (hobbits?) and then we got bundled up and headed to our first adventure. Rafting is not all fun and games, first you have to get to the hill and being adventurous we decided to walk up rather than taking the lift... We met up with some people visiting from France and went down on a raft for 12. It was exhilarating, not to mention a beautiful view from the top. The day was a lovely reprise from winter in the city.

Friday, January 9, 2009

This time of the year...

I would have to say that January and February are by far my least favorite months... With the minor exception of Valentine's day, they are cold, dreary winter days to get through.

Another thing to think about for me is a new job for next year. Too early? Not even! My first teaching job I signed my contract in May before I graduated! Next year I would like to travel less to work, and find another school of similar size. I would like to stay in the private system and would now not hesitate to work in an all girls school. It's been a great experience so far...

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Back in Montreal

So far, no reverse culture shock after flying in from Damascus Syria last night. I do, however notice how orderly driving is. People signal and generally stay in their lane, which I now find rather boring... Crossing the street in Montreal is at times very hazardous, and Montrealers are famous for jaywalking, but Syria is a whole 'nother ball game... It's a fast pace game that requires strategy and courage. Following a walk sign is just a little ho hum... Now I will be an objective Montreal resident, comparing and contrasting from where I've just travelled.

Stay tuned for more interesting observations and witty critiques!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Using the metro

This is the first time since I've lived in Montreal that I've relied so heavily on the metro... I start on the green line, switch to the orange then to the blue before I take a bus to get to work. Normally the metro works fine, sometimes late, sometimes crowded but working. There have been a few problems... the lines are shut down for problems for a "undetermined amount of time". That is really frusterating, it's the first time I've even considered buying a car, but I keep talking myself out of it... High prices of gas, impossible parking downtown, the environment... Hopefully where I work next year will be closer to home in order to keep me car free.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Eating out in Montreal

I am no expert by far on eating out in Montreal, but I do know the restaurants within a 8 block radius, especially on Ste. Catherine. Since I've been in the area of downtown, there have been a lot of changes and I can usually tell if it's going to stay or not. First of all, the competition is stiff... There are so many choices, that if you want to make it you have to first:
1. Treat your customer well (speaking English or French would be nice)
2. Have something really unique (not another Asian restaurant)
3. Skip the homemade, cheesy signs with today's special

Besides that, I can handle poor decor, bad music and spelling mistakes in the menus

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Co-ed bathrooms at work?

So, I'm working at an all girl's school this year and the staff bathroom is co-ed. This is a little strange for me... especially coming out of the stall, and seeing a male teacher heading to the sink at the same time as you. There is just a micro-second when I think "What the heck is he doing here" but then I remain cool and say hello and we proceed to wash our hands and exit.