Friday, January 23, 2009

Winter activities

Alright, my first fun winter outdoor activity!!! I went 'rafting' at the "Super glissades de St Jean de Matha:

This was a truly awesome experience, a perfect winter day around -11 degrees, some sun and great company. Our school went as an outing, the day began with us piling on the bus for an hour drive. Luckily another teacher with my brought his guitar and we sang most of the way there.

Once there, we warmed up and the other teachers had second breakfast (hobbits?) and then we got bundled up and headed to our first adventure. Rafting is not all fun and games, first you have to get to the hill and being adventurous we decided to walk up rather than taking the lift... We met up with some people visiting from France and went down on a raft for 12. It was exhilarating, not to mention a beautiful view from the top. The day was a lovely reprise from winter in the city.

1 comment:

  1. Wasn't the river frozen? Did you have to wear life jackets?
